I set myself this challenge on undertaking various experiments related to cheap but powerful methods of becoming vibrantly healthy! I have dabbled with these methods in the past - enough to find them extremely interesting - but I need a disciplined, diary-keeping, set-length-of-time experiment in each to understand these methods better. Some of these realizations are so amazing, however, that I want to spread the word as much as possible of their power!
Electricity medicine (as taught by Bob Beck)
Body magnetism
Silver and other colloids
Subconscious mind work
Trauma release exercises (TRE) (David Berceli)
Raw food diet
Juice fasting/ juice feasting
Holosync meditation (alpha brainwave generator)
Law of attraction
Emotional freedom technique (EFT)
Deep breathing
The pulse test/ food intolerance
Energy Medicine (as taught by Donna Eden)
Natural Health Remedies
Holistic Practitioner Visits - My Experience
If you can suggest other powerful self-help techniques to be added here and trialled, or revolutionary health books, please let me know!
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Edition 3.0: Cheap Revolutionary Health Ebook: 68 Natural Tricks and Methods - The Amazing Power of Small Everyday Tasks
Ulla is the Editor of Cheap Health Revolution, covering natural remedies and health solutions. Read more about Ulla and this website here: "About CHR"